After serving the NHS for an amazing 35 years (9 months, 18 days, 4 hours. 3 mins and 25 secs – who’s counting), the time has come for ‘our Dave’ to hang up his Gantt Chart and head for pastures new. Dave has been with THIS from the very beginning, a stalwart of the PMO and the ultimate CHFT whisperer, his leadership, wisdom, humour and friendship will be sorely missed! I’m sure many of you will have lots of interesting thoughts and memories to share so lets fill this page up!!!

This length of service is something we should wholeheartedly celebrate and I’m sure many of you who have worked with Dave over the years would like to say your farewells . We will be hosting a small send-off in the Elland Office on Wednesday 31st July (over lunch). There will be some food, gift presentation and an opportunity to say your goodbyes and wish him all the best in his new chapter (which randomly includes wild swimming and weaving 🤷‍♂️) . Please join us if you’re able, I know Dave would love to see you. (You can also be on hand to help mop up Julie’s tears 🥹)

memories shared by others

"Dave, I cant' believe you're retiring you will be so missed, your knowledge and professionalism have served all us well over the many years! Its time to put your feet up and relax, but not too much you need to get in the garden :) -Have fantastic retirement you have most definitely earned it!! All the very best to you! Love Jet x
I can’t believe you are retiring! It does not feel like over 20 years since I first met you – doesn’t time fly when you are having fun!
I am sorry I will not be at your send off today, but I sincerely wish you all the very best in your well-earned retirement and enjoy more wild swimming!
Also thank you for all your support and assistance over the years . Love Margo Xx"

shared by Jeannette Law, 2 months ago

"Dave, what can I say! It's been an absolute pleasure. From working with you back when EDMS was being implemented, coming along to your Prince taster sessions, to working alongside you within the PMO you've been amazing! I'll certainly miss the 'yes but....' in argument to suggestions Julie makes ;) It's ok I'll make sure I take up that role :) Have a great retirement (I'm on holiday again when you finish) and will catch up soon!"

shared by Craig Fletcher, 2 months ago

"WOW dave, its finally actually happening. You've only been going on about it for the last how many years?.
Honestly its been a pleasure to have worked with you and learning so much from you. I'm not sure what the PMO are going to do without you. Wishing you all the best in your retirement."

shared by javid hussain, 2 months ago

"Dave, wishing you best of luck in retirement :)"

shared by Bryde, 2 months ago

"Its long time ago since we were in the portercabin down in the bottom of HRI doing IT support !
All the best and enjoy your retirement."

shared by Lucy Crosland, 2 months ago

"Dave, Mr PMO! it has been great being part of the team with you. You have so much knowledge about projects and CHFT. You have implemented some amazing projects and have seen so much change in the 35+ years. You give so much of your time to support others in the team and have been the go-to person for everyone in the team at some point. You have been the junior mentor and got so many of the team through their Prince2 qualification which has really lifted the standards of the team and the quality of our work. Thank you for listening, for your patience and all you have done to improve the service. You will be missed by the team and irreplaceable, enjoy your much deserved retirement!"

shared by Joanna Gadd, 3 months ago

"What a journey you have had within the NHS, your experience is invaluable and THIS will find it hard to replace. I have known you since we merged as Trusts, more than 20 years ago and we have worked on numerous projects and you always providing the safe pair of hands which we will miss. The implentation of the maternity EPR springs to mind especially the look on your face when you saw the 2 young lads who turned up from the supplier to train the midwives, we had some laughs along with the hard work, you made it feel so easy. Enjoy the pastures new...................................."

shared by Tahira Shariff, 3 months ago

"Hi David, reiterating what so many have said already. It has been a pleasure working with you and I am so very grateful for all your help and support over the years. Our paths crossed back in the day when Maternity went live on K2 – I remember distinctly the ups and downs of that time, but you were always so positive with a can-do attitude. I remember meeting up with Julia Coletta who told me that she was taking you off the maternity project as we had gone live – I begged her to let you stay a little longer!!! Anyway, it was onwards and upwards and you continued to support me and provide information throughout the rest of my career in digital – such lovely times and I will always be grateful.
I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest away from working and fill those days with what you want to do.
All the best Dave – wishing you health and happiness in this new chapter of your life."

shared by carol gregson, 3 months ago

"The place won't be the same without you Dave!! Wishing you all the best in your retirement, enjoy!"

shared by Sarah Vallance, 3 months ago

"Dave thanks to you (and of course Hayley) for welcoming me to CHFT 8 years ago in Acre House. I'd never worked in Yorkshire before (being from the right side of the Pennines) but although you are a Liverpool fan we did get on great and fortunately due to the pandemic I was unable to see you finally celebrate them winning the Premier League! Good luck with your retirement (I'm sure you're younger than me) and all the best to the family - you will be missed - hopefully we can catch up."

shared by Peter Keogh, 3 months ago

"Dear Dave! Always my PRINCE2 Guru! As a brand new PM you were such a great mentor and support. I can't remember which of us holds the record for the fastest Project Board meeting - I'm sure it's me! Working with you was always a lot of fun! I really do wish you well in your retirement."

shared by Ruth Lush, 3 months ago

"Its been great knowing you Dave for all these years.
Have a good one, relax and enjoy the rest of your life.
So who do I pester now? Maybe Takis ha ha"

shared by JASON PARKER, 3 months ago

"Oh my days, where do I start. From day one of working with you I knew I would like you. It has been an immense pleasure being coached, mentored and supported by you over the years and even now I still have that voice in my head saying "what would Dave do" albeit the "yeah but" voice sometimes win. You have been inspiration watching how you have dealt projects, programmes and work in general, picking up any challenges and squaring them away. Reminiscing on the calls we had directly after a difficult meeting and both of us answering by just laughing, still makes me giggle.

I wish you all the best in your retirement fella, the legend that needs no introduction and is purely referred to as 'Dave' will be missed but I will do my best to keep the 10 men photo bomb going in your honour! HAPPY RETIREMENT my friend!"

shared by Takis Kalogeropoulos, 3 months ago

"All the best in your retirement. When I changed jobs from Calderdale to Huddersfield about 20++ years ago you were one of the people who made me feel really welcome. You also invited me to the Friday lunch pub trip (remember those days!!) and I thought yep I can work here :)"

shared by Sam Ingram, 3 months ago

"Dear Dave,
It’s hard to believe the time has come to say goodbye. Through the years, your presence has been more than just a colleague. Your contributions have shaped our team’s success, and your positive attitude has brightened our days.
Your guidance and wisdom have been instrumental in shaping my career. You’ve taught me more than just job skills; you’ve shown me how to be a better team member and a more thoughtful individual.
As you move forward, know that your influence will remain in the lessons you’ve taught me and remember that you leave behind a legacy of excellence and camaraderie. May your next chapter be filled with new adventures and challenges that bring you joy.
I wish you a happy retirement and hope our paths cross again. Thank you for everything.
Warmest Regards

shared by Imran, 3 months ago

"I can't remember the first time we met, suspect it was over 20 years ago for the CHFT EDIS A&E implementation project and I seem to have been your 'free resource' on many projects since. It's been a pleasure to have worked alongside you on all of them and have especially enjoyed how most of our meetings have ended up with football and rock'n'roll related discussions and have even opened you ears to some bands not on your radar. I'll be sad to see you go but you've earned your retirement and I wish you all the best with it and your future."

shared by Ian Holloway, 3 months ago

"Hi Dave

One for our Music Musings Teams channel ;)

Will miss ya mate, keep smiling. M"

shared by Mike Lucraft, 3 months ago

"I have known Dave since the good old days of Kirkdale House, and even though I was never part of their team, Dave was always approachable for a chat.
Dave always spoke about football, even as a Liverpool fan (can't hold that against him too much), he came across as the Mike Bassett kind with knowledge of where Huddersfield Town had gone wrong.
I then met back through with Dave when we both ended up working upstairs in Acre House and again he was always happy to stop for chats.
The PMO department are certainly loosing a valued member, but enjoy your retirement Dave."

shared by Paul Haithwaite, 3 months ago

"Dave, Good luck in the future and it has been a pleasure working with you over the last 3 years. What you don't know about project management etc isn't worth knowing. Enjoy your well earned retirement and thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have shown."

shared by Louise Croxall, 3 months ago

"Can’t lie Dave, I’m pretty envious….... Feel like I’ve known you almost half my life, from the early IT Manager days on the HRI corridor, to being in the PMO together at Kirkdale back in 2003 😮. As others have said, you leaving is truly the end of an era!

Think of what you’ve achieved over that time – the programmes you’ve delivered, from the NPfIT days though to now; the customers you’ve supported; the people you’ve helped and the patients you’ve ultimately benefited. You should be extremely proud!

You really have been a driving force behind developing our PMO into what it is today. There’s a whole crop of PM’s (including those that have moved on) that have a lot to thank you for. The leadership you have shown, the mentorship and the determination to always keep quality at the forefront of what you do is textbook NHS Project Management in my book.

Do know that you’ll be missed Dave (especially by Joo 😢). Enjoy your retirement mate and thank you for everything…………. but, do give me a shout anytime if you fancy popping back in on the Bank 🤗"

shared by Matt Hurl, 3 months ago

"Blimey Dave, I never thought this day would come!! It's the end of an era!! It's been such a pleasure working with you and knowing you, I remember the day I met you back in St Lukes when I came for an overview of PRINCE2, not knowing then I would join you in the PMO. Since then you've provided invaluable support and friendship to me and to all of the PMO team, you will be sorely missed!! Enjoy your retirement, you deserve it!"

shared by Rachel Newburn, 3 months ago

"Remember meeting you on the top floor of the old nurses home at HRI when your office was down the corridor from ETD. Always friendly and sharing useful (as well as not so useful but fun!) information. You will be missed in THIS. Have a wonderful retirement :-)"

shared by Sarah Talbot, 3 months ago

"I have known Dave since I started working with him at Kirkdale House (a long time ago) and I thought he was called Tarquin! Everyone had nick names back in the day.
The project office started off as a very small team at Kirkdale House, due to Dave’s determination, knowledge and a desire to see colleagues develop and fulfil their potential the team started to grow. He has played a big part in making the PMO what its is today.
It’s been a pleasure to work Dave over the years. He has taught me so much and has been the go to person in the team, always friendly and supportive. The team won’t be the same without him.
Dave’s note taking is legendary, how he can make a full set of notes from a few scribbles and arrows, with the smallest pencil in the world is amazing!
Best of luck for the new chapter in your life, gardening, walking, real ale, watching live bands and going to see plays. To be honest, Im not sure how you will fit it all in.

Hayley x"

shared by Hayley Gray, 3 months ago

"Dave! I've only had the pleasure of working with you on one project when I was a junior, which was the CHFT intranet one, but what a project that was. It felt painful sometimes but you were always there with a smile and direction and it made it so much more bearable. Youve always been a friendly face around the building and you will be missed! Enjoy retirement (I wont say rest as it sounds like you will be busy as ever!) x"

shared by Rebecca Wootton, 3 months ago

"Dave! Gutted you're retiring and I couldn't get all the PMO Gems from you but in the short space of time that I've known you, you've always been a helping hand and a mentor, the reason I'm in PMO is due to yourself and Julie, so I'll forever be grateful to be have given the opportunity to work alongside you. I hope in this next chapter of your life, you enjoy everything that life has to offer. Take care Dave, you'll be missed, all the best mate :)"

shared by Sukhi Singh, 3 months ago

"Dave Armitage, what a legend... I haven't had the pleasure of working with you for very long, however, I want to thank you for all your help and support in the last two years, you are always there to listen and share your knowledge and inspire me to grow in my career. I am so grateful for all that you have done for me and our team and I am so sad to see you go as we all are. Enjoy your well earned retirement, you will be missed by so many. Make sure that phone of yours is always switched on as you can bet ill be calling for advice and paying you back in a supply of faux-Aero! xxx"

shared by Laura Chambers, 3 months ago

"Dave! Thank you, your kind smile and supportive demeanor will be missed, you're a core part of THIS and its been a pleasure to know you and have your support. Wishing you all the very best and hope to you around! Love Shaz :)"

shared by Shazia Naeem, 3 months ago

"The day Dave decided to give me a run for my money with my famously large headset. Not one to be outdone, Dave whipped up his own 'prototype' headset from office supplies and proudly posed for a photo.

His infectious humor and ability to find joy in the little things made every project milestone a little brighter. Dave, your creativity and leadership have always been an inspiration, turning every challenge into a deliverable and every setback into a learning opportunity. Here’s to the countless laughs and unforgettable moments. Enjoy your retirement, you’ve more than earned it!"

shared by Matthew Griffiths, 3 months ago

"When I joined 'THIS' in 2005 at Kirkdale House, Dave was one of the most welcoming colleagues. He was so genuine and friendly, always smiling and on hand to offer guidance & support. 18 years on and he is still the same, regardless of your role or the team you work in (and I have worked in a few!!) He always takes the time to say hello and catch up. He will be sorely missed by the Project Team and is and always will be our 'PRINCE2' Enjoy your retirement Dave, you deserve it"

shared by Susan Lacey, 3 months ago

"Well Dave that dreaded time has finally arrived and I can honestly say its been a pleasure working with you all these years. You have literally been my friend, mentor, someone to moan to, discuss issues, recruit and the person who has helped build the team we have achieved today. There are certain people who come into your life who you will never forget and for me you are one of them. You have helped so many people develop their careers and who would not be enjoying the success they now have without you. Enjoy your retirement mate its thoroughly deserved you are a legend!!!! x"

shared by Julie Howson, 3 months ago